The Walnut Ridge Watcher is published quarterly, and features the latest neighborhood news and event information. Read the most recent and past newsletters here.
Looking to shop locally or for local clients? This is a directory of Walnut Ridge resident-owned businesses.
City, County, State and School Districts web pages are attached. Also included are links to city services such as snow removal, recycling and leaf pick up.
Don't forget to request a letter confirming you've paid your homeowners dues. If you're selling, refinancing or in some cases obtaining a home equity loan, you will need a letter from the Walnut Ridge Homeowners Association stating that your dues are paid in full. Contact the Treasurer using the information below. Contact the Treasurer as early in the process as possible as to avoid delays.
Please remember that we are all volunteers on the board and we always do our best to provide the most accurate information in a timely manner. Please don't wait for the last minute to request your confirmation letter.
Walnut Ridge Board Treasurer